Thursday, June 29, 2023

Inspections Being Conducted Virtually Due to Poor Air Quality

The current poor air quality in Fairfax County is impacting Land Development Services’ (LDS) inspections today, Thursday, June 29 and is likely to impact inspections on Friday, June 30.

LDS building inspections will be conducted virtually when possible while the air quality is poor. Building inspectors will reach out to designated contacts for currently scheduled inspections to confirm the transition from in person to virtual.

Site inspections and meetings will occur if prescheduled; we will keep meetings as concise as possible. Routine, unscheduled, inspections may be deferred until next week.

This decision supports the health and safety concerns of contractors, residents, and county staff.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please visit the Fairfax County emergency blog for more details about air quality alerts.

For questions or concerns, please reach out to the following: