Thursday, June 8, 2023

Submission Requirements for Site Plans, Subdivision Plans and Public Improvement Plans

Land Development Services’ (LDS) Technical Bulletin (TB) 23-03: Submission Requirements for Site Plans, Subdivision Plans and Public Improvement Plans has been published and supersedes TB 02-16. TB 23-03 provides updated information to assist in the submission process for major site plans. The updated requirements are effective immediately.

The policy requires applicants to obtain approval for any rezoning, special exception, special permit, or variance, before the initial submission of a major plan to Fairfax County and incorporate the following into the plan set:

  • A copy of the letter the applicant receives from the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and/or resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals and/or Planning Commission documenting the approval and any related conditions. Full copies of Conceptual Development Plans and Final Development Plans (CDP/FDP) CDP/FDP or similar plans are not required to be incorporated into the plan set.
  • All approved interpretations to CDP/FDP or similar plans along with all exhibits and interpretation letters.

The above items must be addressed before the first submission unless the Board of Supervisors has granted concurrent processing of the plan-associated rezoning, special exception, or special permit. In cases where concurrent processing is given automatically (e.g., within Commercial Revitalization Districts (CRDs) or Tysons or Reston urban centers) and the applicant requests processing as a Designated Plans Examiner (DPE) certified plan, the above submittal requirements must be included in the second submission.

Review the entire bulletin at 23-03 Submission Requirements for Site Plans, Subdivision Plans and Public Improvement Plans.