Tuesday, June 20, 2023



Fairfax County Department of Land Development Services (LDS) invites your feedback on the subdivision grading plan (SDGP) process and is hosting two input sessions this July. 


LDS recently published Technical Bulletin 23-01 in an effort to clarify submission requirements for subdivision grading plans and to address common scenarios like model homes and site modifications by lot owners after sale of subdivision lots. Submission requirements for alterations to subdivision lots by owners after sale but before subdivision completion is a challenging topic, and a key area where we seek input from plan preparers and builders.


We will host input sessions to gather input from all interested parties. Two identical sessions will be held as hybrid meetings, simultaneously on Microsoft Teams and in the Herrity Building Room 106/107:

                July 11, 2023 1:30 -3:30 p.m.

Click here to register for virtual Session 1 or in-person at Herrity Building Room 106/107

                July 18, 2023, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Click here to register for virtual Session 2 or in-person at Herrity Building Room 106/107


No registration is required for in-person participation. If you prefer to participate virtually, please click either link above to register and receive the meeting invitation.


Additionally, written feedback on the SDGP process may be submitted directly to LDSSDIDAdmin@fairfaxcounty.gov.